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about us





designed with love, designed for you.

meet the team behind WeToca

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living away from our loved ones made us realize the importance of being connected, with this idea in mind, we came up with WeToca.



the transdisciplinarity in our team made WeToca something unique and designed from the bottom of our hearts.


we aim to help people like us, that due to different circumstances have left their home and started a new life away from their loved ones.

yes, we do not like pineapple on pizza.

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WhatsApp Image 2020-06-06 at
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we had so much fun

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Concept Generation - Frame 1 (2).jpg

and we restarted from scratch 8 times

the team


chenyun zeng

graphic explorer

Hi, I’m Tippi, a graphic communication designer. I came to Milan from China to study design. I love visual work. I like to think about problems from a visual perspective and create efficient but dynamic solutions.


juliette bird

the water enthusiast

Hi I’m Juliette and I’m a product designer from England. I’m obsessed with nature and often design with this inspiration. I love to appreciate the small details in design and nature which is why I like my designs to be something a bit different.


luca zorzenon

the grid freak

Hi I’m Luca and I’m an engineer from PoliMi and UPM. I am very technical and precise, whilst challenging myself to be influenced by different styles of design. I always spot the smallest flaws in a project and work to ensure everything is perfect.


mijali posada

the chair lover

¡Hola! I'm Mijali, I'm an Industrial Designer from Mexico. I love to generate concepts (and chairs). For me design and emotions are strictly related, that's why I aim to create objects that generate an emotional bond with the users.

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